
1. Geophysical remote sensing analysis and reporting for Underwater Archaeology Assessments. 

  • Side Scan Sonar
  • Multibeam Bathymetry and Multibeam Backscatter Systems
  • Magnetometer
  • Subbottom Profiler
  • Sector Scanning Sonar

     Energy Sector Specific Underwater Archaeology Assessments

  • Block Studies
  • Pipeline Routes
  • Site-Specific Surveys
  • Windfarm Assessments
  • Shipwreck Analysis

2. Video and Imagery analysis for Underwater Archaeology

  • ROV Investigation video and camera data
  • AUV camera and laser data
  • BOEM/BSEE target investigation data

3. Independent report reviewing for Underwater Archaeological Assessments

4. Project Management and QA/QC

5. Scientific Studies and Project Partnerships

6. Mentoring

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